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In the workplace, it’s better to be proactive than reactive. This means, if you can see what’s coming, you will be much more successful in handling it than if it sneaks up on you. Have you ever had to chase someone? It’s harder to chase someone than to be chased. Since you don’t know which way this person is going to turn next, you have to react to each movement, leaving you one step behind. Try to think about the future and prepare yourself for upcoming tasks and projects.

What’s better than being on schedule? Being ahead of schedule, of course! If you can work ahead on projects, you will be prepared for new projects that come up at the last minute. For example, if your supervisor comes to you with a project that needs to be done right away, you won’t have a problem putting your current project on hold for a while if you’re ahead of schedule. Working ahead will also give you a cushion of extra time in case something comes up that you didn’t plan for. If you are ahead of schedule you should still be able to meet your deadline, even with the surprise setback.