
  • 4 Lessons

    Advanced JS: Games & Visualizations

    Video games and data visualization are related in that they both show information visually. Yet it’s challenging to put that to any practical use.

  • 3 Lessons

    Concepts of Computer Engineering

    Computer engineering is a branch of engineering that integrates several fields of computer science and electronics engineering required to develop computer hardware and software. Computer…
  • 4 Lessons

    Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages

    JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Created 20 years ago, it’s gone a very long way since its humble beginnings.Being the first, and the only scripting language that was supported natively by web browsers, it simply stuck.

  • 4 Lessons

    Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation

    JavaScript has stormed the web technology and nowadays small software ventures to fortune 500, all are using node js for web apps. Recently has rewritten its dashboard in javascript, paypal also chose to rewrite some of its components in java script.