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Members Forums Digital Marketing New to digital marketing, looking for resources

  • New to digital marketing, looking for resources

    Posted by Alyssa on October 10, 2019 at 4:42 am

    Hi, new to digital marketing as well as a long-time Reddit lurker. I am writing here because I feel somewhat stuck and the anonymity of Reddit is the most appealing to discuss.

    I have been working at an agency for almost a year now after a complete career shift in my early-ish 30s. I am learning some of this somewhat fast and have a resource where I am at but really there is only one person I have to ask 100% of my questions. I read all of the blogs (backlinko, ppchero, hubspot), use all of the tools (Ahrefs, SEM Rush, Moz, Screaming Frog, etc.) and am in all the Facebook groups for help. My current position does offer me the rare opportunity to actually work on accounts. However, being new to all of this (PPC, Social, SEO, Web Dev) I just find a lot of it all overwhelming and as if I am not fully comfortable in any of it.

    I have considered the freedom this career path will give me and that was part of the draw to it, however, it does seem to be very saturated as well and at times like freelancers are just trying to get something steady to get a paycheck. I guess I am just looking for insight, or direction on your experience in this space. How did you start? Is it a profitable/flexible field? do you prefer freelancer over agency? Really anything you may have insight on.

    Sorry for the ramble and I appreciate anything helpful.

    Alyssa replied 4 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Mateo

    October 10, 2019 at 4:43 am

    My advice would be to try to specialize in a channel. I think social or video have the most upside, and are what I’d learn if I was starting today. I specialized in paid search starting about 10 years ago. I now have a big advantage over someone in the first year of 5 of their career when it comes to paid search, which makes it easier for me to get new clients who spend significant amounts of money on google ads than it is for less experienced/proficient people.

    Now I’m focusing on other parts of my skill stack like networking and people management. It only takes a small amount of effort for me to maintain my advantage in paid search. If you try to be the best at everything digital, I can’t imagine a way you’ll achieve that. If you aim to be really good at one thing, your odds are much better.

  • Arianna

    October 10, 2019 at 4:43 am

    Hey, I started my own freelance SEO business 2 years ago along with working in house as the SEO manager full time. Feel free to ask any questions about in house, agency, starting your own, or anything else!

  • Alyssa

    October 10, 2019 at 4:44 am

    Thank you to everyone who replied, it’s all very helpful and I really appreciate the input.

    I agree with those who advised to specialize in a channel and then learn other parts as I go. I am going to keep going into SEO and dabble in Facebook at this time. Although the SEO overall is more appealing to me personally.

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Hi, new to digital marketing as well as a long-ti…
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